2021 Intentions For Your Head, Heart & Hands

January 7, 2021

Begin the year by setting intentions for your head, heart, and hands!


Feed your mind. Focus on your Love of Learning to improve your overall well-being.

For You and Your Family
Be intentional about the information you and your family consume. How do you want to use your mental energy? What ideas and interests inspire you? What is it that you have always wanted to learn about? Brainstorm with your family some DIY projects for your home/yard, hobbies/interests, destinations to visit post-pandemic. Set an intention, research, and explore together and make a plan.

For Your Classroom
Revisit your classroom vision. What are your learning goals for your students right now? What are your students’ strengths? Help students think about their interests, connect it to their own reason for learning, and help them set a goal. Think about your reason for teaching. Write an intention that brings together your passion and your purpose for your classroom.


Fill your heart. Focus on your strength of Love, Gratitude, and Humor to build your emotional health.

For You and Your Family
Spending quality time with those we love is critical to our emotional health. This year be intentional about the quality of time you spend with your family and friends. Make a list of the people you are grateful for near and far, past and present. Is there anyone you want to reconnect with or spend more time with? How do you want to spend your time? Set an intention to reach out to those you care about and intentionally share your Gratitude for their presence. Plan to spend quality time together online, in-person, on the phone or through letters. Use your strength of Creativity and engage and recognize as many other strengths as you can.

For Your Classroom
It takes just one loving adult in the life of a child to combat all kinds of stressors. Who are the students in your classroom that may need a little extra love and connection? How can you engage your students’ strengths by creating a mutually loving environment where everyone feels they belong? How can you create a culture of Mindfulness and Gratitude to build those positive relationships?


Focus on the causes you care about. Focus on your strength of Kindness, Teamwork, and Hope to bring meaning, purpose, and long-lasting happiness.

For You and Your Family
Researchers have found one way to make life most meaningful is to use your unique strengths in service to others. Think about the communities you are a part of – family, school, religious, city, or globally. Make a list of the places, people and causes in need of Kindness and care. Choose one or two areas. How can you and your family contribute by using your unique strengths in service of others? Feeling like there is already too much on your plate? Recommit to the causes you are already engaged in or commit to intentionally bringing your strengths more fully to the care of your own family. Caring for yourself and your family first is one of the greatest contributions you can make.

For Your Classroom
Do the same for your classroom and school. What are the needs of your school and classroom communities? How might you bring your class together to focus on one area of need, empowering your students to contribute their unique strengths for the betterment of their community? See how being of service enlivens your students and those you are serving. Spot student strengths along the way.

Download this activity here.