Remote Learning Tips for Students With ADHD
October 14, 2020
Parenting Tips for Remote Learning for Students with ADHD
Children with ADHD need routines in their lives. This routine may be more difficult to maintain during remote learning. However, with some simple tips, your student can succeed with distance learning.
Create simple routines throughout the day.
- Create a schedule.
- Get up at the same time each morning.
- Get dressed just as if they were going to their school.
- Enjoy a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
- Schedule in mindful moments throughout the day to help relieve stress.
- Include times for breaks and play.
Foster independence so you don’t take on the task of being the “homeschool” police.
- Create easy to follow schedules.
- Set expectation as it concerns to you working at home. For example say, “I will be able to assist you when I get off my team call. I need you to work for 15 minutes independently, then I will be able to help you.”
Set up a schedule for the right time of day and length of time for learning.
- When – When learning will take place?
- Where – Where will you set up stations for math, science, reading in your home? Make it work for your family.
- What – What will be done weekly and daily based on schedule when things are due?
- Bonus What – If your child knows his/her strengths, ask, “What strengths will you use today to help you stay on task? What mindful moment can you do when feeling stressed?”
- There should be 1- 2 hours of class/ study time. It should be divided into segments of no more than 25 minutes per segment. Create a visual schedule (allow your child to help create) that works for the child and your family. Makes sure there are clear expectations for the schedule. You can google the word “schedules for students” to help create a schedule that is right for you and the student if you are a working parent at home.
- In between learning time, there should be time allotted for a break to take a walk outside, ride a bike, get some exercise.
- Using timers help with schedules, consistency, and expectations.
Create a balance of learning and free time to increase motivation based on your child’s age.
Use the best tool and resources available to you even if you don’t have any background in teaching.
- Studies show the best time for students to work on hard subjects is at the peak of the day (10:00 am -12:00 noon). That’s when the brain is the sharpest. Allow your child to work on hard subjects before it gets too late in the day and the easier subject toward the end of the day. Also, don’t let your child stay in one room all day, allow movement to different locations, inside and outside the living space.
- Be consistent with the routine and keep it simple.
Keeping Kids with ADHD in “Study Mode” by ADDITUDE Magazine
Strategy and Support for ADHD & LD Ann Dolan, M. Ed