Designated Evidence-based practice by the CDC
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Our Popular March Strength Spotting Tournament Returns! Every year we challenge families and classrooms to take a break from basketball and focus on your 24...
Humor defined: I like bringing a smile to others. In distressing situations, your strength of Humor can lighten the mood and make people feel more comfortable....
Creativity defined: I can think of lots of ways to solve problems and use my imagination. Your strength of Creativity inspires you to experiment, wander, and invent....
Is The Character Effect™ right for your program? A 2017 study by the Harvard Graduate School of Education found that social and emotional learning in...
Kindness defined: I am helpful and nice to others. Your strength of Kindness sparks your empathy. It drives your willingness to give others time, care, and compassion....
Hope Hope defined: I feel positive when I think about the future. Your strength of Hope helps you stay positive about the future. With Hope, you see...
Love of Learning Love of Learning defined: I get excited about discovering new things. Your strength of Love of Learning motivates you to find value in wisdom...
Although everyone has all 24 strengths inside of them, it’s our top strengths that make us unique. Knowing and using our top strengths empowers us...
We’ve been exploring Character Strengths all year at school! What Strengths will you use this summer at home? Are you up for a challenge? Try...
Citibank of Northern Kentucky has been a valued partner and generous supporter of The Character Effect™ for the past two years. The organization has committed...